February 2015

Hi, my name is Diana. I was brought home from Brighton, UK by a good friend who sensed that something was wrong. My friend traveled twice to UK to bring me home but failed the first time. Second time she succeeded convincing me to travel home with her.
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Back in Denmark

Back in Denmark I was admitted to a psychiatric hospital where I stayed for almost two months. For several years I have been exposed to the disruptive behaviour of the father to my child. Finally it became too much. I broke down. Luckily for me my friend could feel it from the distance.

You can never satisfy a narcissist no matter how hard you try. The only thank you you'll ever get is blame.


We all need
angels in our lives!
Katja is mine.


Imagine walking around alert all the time looking for signs to decipher – whenever you walk out your door!

That was my life.


Back in Denmark I spend three years fighting for my rights in 5 different 'courts': I trusted my x and father to my child my life savings just before I left UK. The deal was he would pay them back once I was back in Denmark. He didn't.

He refused to pay child care and wouldn't disclose my personal belongings — trying to gain control over me again using physical and economic violence.

Still fighting

I am is still fighting in the courts almost 3 years after I was broght back to Denmark (by my friend and angel) with my child.

My advice

Don't give in. Don't give up. Tell your story. Shout it out loud. I will. With the help of my recovered fighting spirit. With a little help from my friends.

On a cozy night with a bottle of red wine in front of the fireplace... I write the last sentence.

Could it happen to you?

When I was 17 the world couldn't stop me. When I was mid 30 I met a narcissist! I'm still working my way back even though it's windy! Ready to take my life back. I never thought it could happen to me!
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And how will it end?

The second worst part of the story is, that it will have NO consequences for mr. Wrong. He'll lose in all courts – but he doesn't care. There is NO concequences, no fine, no fee for psychological and economic violence.

I pay the reminder fees for not being able to pay my bills on time. He even have the nerve to offer me to buy my house for the remaining debt in the house while retaining my life savings and child care!

But the worst part. We have a daughter, she's 9 years old today. Someday she'll want to know the truth about her father.
Your life is your story.
Write well. Edit often.

– Susan Statham
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I'm Diana. I love Brighton sea life.
One day I'll return…