PriceLess Stacks
PriceLess Stacks
RapidWeaver Stacks add-on info:
Create great looking price lists in a table like style, but much much much faster to create and update than an ordinary table – because the PriceList only consists of two columns.
The PriceLess Stack is great when your client mails you a simple text list you need to put on the web.
Special features:
Even though it has a striped background for each ‘cell’ you only need to copy-paste clients list into two cells. The PriceLess Stack will take care of the striped layout and the rest.
Keep lines short!
RapidWeaver, stacks, responsive, price, list, copy paste.
Create great looking price lists in a table like style, but much much much faster to create and update than an ordinary table – because the PriceList only consists of two columns.
The PriceLess Stack is great when your client mails you a simple text list you need to put on the web.
Special features:
Even though it has a striped background for each ‘cell’ you only need to copy-paste clients list into two cells. The PriceLess Stack will take care of the striped layout and the rest.
Keep lines short!
RapidWeaver, stacks, responsive, price, list, copy paste.
Stacks settings: