Cartloom Script

RapidWeaver Stacks

RapidWeaver Stacks

RapidWeaver Stacks

RapidWeaver Stacks
RapidWeaver Stacks
RapidWeaver Stacks
RapidWeaver Stacks
RapidWeaver Stacks
RapidWeaver Stacks

RapidWeaver Stacks

RapidWeaver Stacks

ToolBox Stack

Publish hidden
RapidWeaver Stacks add-on info:
Publish hidden stacks might at first seem a bit odd!

The idea: Some stacks contains settings for other Stacks like the Click Master & Servant Stacks and the TextPal Master & Servant Stacks. If you publish hidden Master Stacks (defined as a partial) all Servant Stacks throughout your RapidWeaver Stacks page can use these settings. When you want to change the look & feel of your entire RapidWeaver Website you can just make changes to your published but hidden master stacks.

The ToolBox Stack is used throughout at the top of all RapidWeaver Stacks pages - you just can't see it ;)

Take a look at the Click Stack + TextPal Stacks. The two stacks are the reason I developed the Toolbox Stack.

RapidWeaver, stacks, responsive, free stack.
Stacks settings:
Stacks Image 512862
Stacks Image 639994
ToolBox Stack
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The Toolbox Stacks is a helper Stacks for the Click Stacks and the TextPal Stacks and other Stacks. All stacks added to the Toolbox Stack will be published hidden.

Free RapidWeaver Stack.
The Stack works in Edit Mode – there's no demo.
Stacks Image p189579_n559322

Hi. I'm DeFliGra. A long time developer of RapidWeaver Stacks Addons called Stacks. I've been an even longer time user of RapidWeaver and came on board when RapidWeaver 3 was released.

All RapidWeaver Stacks Addons requires the Mac OS desktop app: RapidWeaver by Realmac Software and the RapidWeaver plugin Stacks by Yourhead Software.

All Stacks are downloaded as Zip-files. To install unzip and double click the Stack.