Cartloom Script

RapidWeaver Stacks

RapidWeaver Stacks

RapidWeaver Stacks

RapidWeaver Stacks
RapidWeaver Stacks
RapidWeaver Stacks
RapidWeaver Stacks
RapidWeaver Stacks
RapidWeaver Stacks

RapidWeaver Stacks

RapidWeaver Stacks

LineDeluxe Stack

Lines and dividers for your RapidWeaver Stacks page
RapidWeaver Stacks add-on info:
Very customizable Line Stack. Define thickness, color, shadow. Make it solid, dotted, dashed and more. Turn it into a spacer. Extremely useful, extremely fast to use.

You add a spacer – then wonder how it would look with a simple or nice styled line?

What do you do? Drag in another stack to test? No! With the free LineDeluxe Stack you got both a line & spacer stack. One click is all you need to change it from a line to a spacer or the other way around.

RapidWeaver, stacks, responsive, free stack.

RapidWeaver Community Addons:
Stacks settings:
Stacks Image 457154
Stacks Image 457156
LineDeluxe Stack
Stacks Image p416564_n153126
Customizable lines. Define thickness, color, shadow. Make it solid, dotted, dashed and more. Turn it into a spacer. Simple and extremely useful.

Free RapidWeaver Stack.
Stitch and emboss
On the track
Stacks Image p189237_n559322

Hi. I'm DeFliGra. A long time developer of RapidWeaver Stacks Addons called Stacks. I've been an even longer time user of RapidWeaver and came on board when RapidWeaver 3 was released.

All RapidWeaver Stacks Addons requires the Mac OS desktop app: RapidWeaver by Realmac Software and the RapidWeaver plugin Stacks by Yourhead Software.

All Stacks are downloaded as Zip-files. To install unzip and double click the Stack.