Cartloom Script

RapidWeaver Stacks

RapidWeaver Stacks

RapidWeaver Stacks

RapidWeaver Stacks
RapidWeaver Stacks
RapidWeaver Stacks
RapidWeaver Stacks
RapidWeaver Stacks
RapidWeaver Stacks

RapidWeaver Stacks

RapidWeaver Stacks

CSS Column Stacks

RapidWeaver Stacks add-on info:
A pretty simple stack mainly developed for the SideCar Stack but will work with all other stacks. Uses the CSS3 column property to create easy text columns. Pure CSS – no scripts. You can define number of columns, column width, gap, divider, breakpoint.

Works fine with images too. A simple and useful Stack.

RapidWeaver, stacks, responsive, free stack.
Stacks settings:
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CSS Columns Stack
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CSS3 text column. Pure CSS – no scripts. You can define number of columns, column width, gap, divider, breakpoint.

Free RapidWeaver Stack.
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Hi. I'm DeFliGra. A long time developer of RapidWeaver Stacks Addons called Stacks. I've been an even longer time user of RapidWeaver and came on board when RapidWeaver 3 was released.

All RapidWeaver Stacks Addons requires the Mac OS desktop app: RapidWeaver by Realmac Software and the RapidWeaver plugin Stacks by Yourhead Software.

All Stacks are downloaded as Zip-files. To install unzip and double click the Stack.