Cartloom Script

RapidWeaver Stacks

RapidWeaver Stacks

RapidWeaver Stacks

RapidWeaver Stacks
RapidWeaver Stacks
RapidWeaver Stacks
RapidWeaver Stacks
RapidWeaver Stacks
RapidWeaver Stacks

RapidWeaver Stacks

RapidWeaver Stacks

MenuList Stack

A horizontal or vertical list of all your Menu Items
RapidWeaver Stacks add-on info:
The MenuList Stack shows all your menu items horizontal or vertical with an option to show your own custom menu items at the end of the MenuList. It's possible only to use your own menu items if you need a sub nav on one of your pages.

Position it at the bottom you all your RapidWeaver Stacks page as part of your footer for see and to help your visitors navigate to other pages of your site quick. If you have a simple one level menu structure you can use the MenuList Stack as a top menu.

You can see the menu list at the bottom of all pages.

Special features:
Special option to turn the horizontal menu into a scrollable horizontal link menu so it doesn't take up much space on your website.

RapidWeaver, stacks, responsive, menu, navigation, buttons, list.
Stacks settings:
Stacks Image 636111
Stacks Image 636113
NAVI Stack
Stacks Image 787512
The MenuList is a Stack that shows your RapidWeaver menu as a list of links either horizontal or vertical. Use it at the bottom of all your pages (define as partial) for seo and to guide your visitors where to go next when they reach the bottom of your webpage.
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Hi. I'm DeFliGra. A long time developer of RapidWeaver Stacks Addons called Stacks. I've been an even longer time user of RapidWeaver and came on board when RapidWeaver 3 was released.

All RapidWeaver Stacks Addons requires the Mac OS desktop app: RapidWeaver by Realmac Software and the RapidWeaver plugin Stacks by Yourhead Software.

All Stacks are downloaded as Zip-files. To install unzip and double click the Stack.