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RapidWeave Stacks Blog:
Add a RapidWeaver Blog to a Stacks page
The Stacks Plugin by Yourhead has made a huge impact on the way we create our websites… and to be honest — without the Stacks Plugin I would have moved on from RapidWeaver. But when the Stacks plugin arrived and developers started to deveop — in the beginning very simple Stacks but very useful stacks — stakcs that made it easy to do what we had been longing to do… I parked the horse and here I am. RapidWeaver & Stacks are my tools. Yes… I have worked with WordPress – but I keep comming back to RapidWeaver… because it's a much faster and easier… if you know how & use the tools that RapidWeaver & the Stacks plugin provide.
But… the RapidWeaver Blog plugin is one of the most powerful plugins of RapidWeaver. I love it and I use it a lot… but I always wanted to pull it into a Stacks page. I found a few solutions – but none that were very satisfying… or would go the way. Not even the IFramedYou stack I developed long time ago. It had issues (when your blog grew) because it was build around jQuery.
So what is the best solution? The best solution is either the free iFrameViewPort stack or it's big brother called NiceFrame. The work similar – but the NiceFrame Stack has a few extra & important features. One of the is an option to take header & footer into account when defining the size of the iFrame. And no — they are not just standard iFrame Stacks. I also recommend the flexible SideCar Stack — the most advanced 2-column Stack around. It allows you to combine a fixed and a fluid column. And even to swap them! This is how this blog page is build.
NiceFrame Stack – well.. you see it on this page!
SiceCar Stack -
learn more.
iFrameViewPort Stack -
learn more.
DeFliGra · Stack’oholic | Mac’oholic | Web’oholic |
Stacks for RapidWeaverTags: RapidWeaver Stacks is just like playing with Lego again. It's fun!